DIDGERIDOO - William Barton Meets the Australian Youth Orchestra

Right brain: Didgeridoo is playing
sounds like laughter or cries or...
You may not recon some RULES in this, as a westerner
Your education is aristotalian (A=A, if A the B, A or B..)
consider A = non A at the same or A = very non A
call it irrational
unless you consider that we all fell in a way the same (die Bedingung der Möglichkeit des Gefühls..)
wordless rule
not spoken
but rule
it could be danced
or lived
not talked
and written
No concrete harmony or Syntax
emotions and feelings
a way of beeing
parallel thinking takes place
multiple infinite circuits fire
and create
antecendend to act
your mind flights ahead

Left brain: the Orchestra starts
it has a dirigent (frontal lobe)
with RULES (Noten)
written on text
that can be learned
again and again
till it is a HABITUS
It has acting components (brodman areals, basal ganglia..)
with fixed order A-B-C-..
serial thinking takes place: step-by-step
as a result a result results
you listen and
your mind follows