"In our study, all but three aneurysms were smaller than 7 mm, and all but two were located in the anterior circulation. The reported risk of rupture for aneurysms of this size in the anterior circulation over a period of 4 years is 0%. Therefore, persons in our study with aneurysms of the anterior circulation that were under 7 mm in diameter were not referred for follow-up or medical treatment".
Incidental Findings on Brain MRI in the General Population. NEJM 2007
- Orakel: "keine Kontrollen bei Aneus in der vorderen Zirkulation < 7mm, mutig&konsequent"
"In conclusion, we have shown that 10% of aneurysm followed by serial MRA will enlarge over a period of approximately 4 years and that original aneurysm diameter as measured from MRA source images is an independent predictor for enlargement.
Aneurysms > 8 mm in diameter were particularly likely to enlarge".
Frequency and Risk Factors Intracranial Aneurysm Enlargement on Serial Magnetic Resonance. Stroke 2008
- Orakel: "wenn gefunden wachsen 10% der Aneurysmen in 4 Jahren. Also: Einer von 10"

hypertension were not associated with enlargement. Aneurysm growth might be a separate process from formation and rupture".
Frequency and Risk Factors Intracranial Aneurysm Enlargement on Serial Magnetic Resonance. Stroke 2008
- Orakel: "...but finally rupture out of the blue!?"