Abendstern = Morgenstern

Wenn „Tannenzapfen“ im ganzen am Boden liegt, so ist es ein Fichtenzapfen.

Tannenzapfen (liegend, Boden) = Fichtenzapfen

Streitgespräch, Prosodie und Haltung

Who stays quiet ?

Testosteron (An-Trieb) + Regel = erklärtes Verhalten

Verhalten und Reflexion = verändertes Verhalten

intentional enrichment of images and abstraction

as the features fade out
the visitor fades in and
enhances the image
with his own details.

at the end an abstract is

Form and visitors "ad on"


asymmetric facial expression and posture in communication

goal directed attention and visual search path

Goal 1: search for humans

Goal 2: search for birds

realise the different search paths you will perform

Image, Imag-ing, Imagin-ation

if in doupt (scene clear to see but not conclusive in arrangement)
you jump to conclusion according to your whims


"Gestat" recognition is immediate.
Gestalt is very typical
search pattern is parallel, quick, without
You know what you see, you are sure.


trained display

facial expressions during different times
of a speech while listening in front row
behind the speaker.
As the facial displays corresponde
to mental activity
and as they are the same in one man and between men
so same mental activity can be assumed,
at least one mental activity
insofar the human tries to wear or show this choosen display
which indicates "beeing in line with the speaker"

The developement of this is cultural, goal directed, top to bottom.

The display is not directed toward the speaker himself as a feedback in communication
but to the audience that is watching to support the speakers intentions.
And it is not only directed to a special audience but to a general audience, to all.
The display is also in line with all other men in the row who feel or know theire
task in line, to support the message of the speaker.
It would be interresting to see the change of display in changing distance
to the speaker or with lay people.

as you can see
the man behind the first line
is not in sync.

Two men are in cognitive modi.

Facial expressions

Mimik der Männer hinter DT beachten (naturalistic vs trained display)

mögliche Welten Szenarien


Prosodie beachten

Non verbale Kommunikation

turkish version

Please listen to the turkish and english version at the same time.
Increase the turkish volume a bit to be the more prominent otherwise you
listen to content only.
Listen to turkish prosodie (right brain) and content (left brain).

  • Content?: a story is beeing told
  • Memory?: reactivation of knowledge you have
  • Feeling?: conscious emotion
  • Surprise?: something new, a rule is violated
  • possible world scenario?: this could be me, this could come true 
  • all of this
asymmetric facial expression

kein Regelverstoß

sozial: Umgebung paßt
zeitlich: Hamronie

Folge: wird eher vergessen

Regel verstos^2


Folge 1:
negativ (Ablehnung)
positiv (Zustimmung)

Folge 2: Emotion wird erinnert: Erinnerung

Language = Assymetry

Keep hope alive, TCM

We will rock you, Queen

All you need is love, Beatles

Up side down, D. Ross

Fun 2



die Lust der Fische theory of fish mind

»Chuang Tzu und Hui Tsu wandelten zusammen auf einem Uferdamm am Hao-Fluss.
Da sagte Chuang Tzu: "Sieh doch die Fische herauskommen und sich tummeln. Das ist
die Lust der Fische."
Hui Tsu erwiderte: "Du bist doch kein Fisch. Woher willst Du da die Lust der Fische kennen?" Chuang Tzu sprach: "Du bist nicht ich. Woher also weißt  Du, dass ich nicht von der Lust der Fische weiß?"
Hui Tsu entgegnet: "Ich bin nicht Du und weiß natürlich nicht, was Du weißt. Aber da Du jedenfalls kein Fisch bist, ist doch klar, dass Du die Lust der Fische nicht kennst."
Darauf entgegnete Chuang Tzu: »Lass uns noch einmal auf den Ausgangspunkt zurückkommen. Du fragtest, woher ich die Lust der Fische kenne. Das zeigt, dass Du schon wusstest, dass ich es weiß, als Du mich fragtest. Ich weiß es von meinem Standpunkt auf dem Uferdamm hier oben über dem

 (nach Chuang Tzu: Complete Works, 188 f.) 
in der Einleitung Peter Baumann: Erkenntnistheorie

DIDGERIDOO - William Barton Meets the Australian Youth Orchestra

Right brain: Didgeridoo is playing
sounds like laughter or cries or...
You may not recon some RULES in this, as a westerner
Your education is aristotalian (A=A, if A the B, A or B..)
consider A = non A at the same or A = very non A
call it irrational
unless you consider that we all fell in a way the same (die Bedingung der Möglichkeit des Gefühls..)
wordless rule
not spoken
but rule
it could be danced
or lived
not talked
and written
No concrete harmony or Syntax
emotions and feelings
a way of beeing
parallel thinking takes place
multiple infinite circuits fire
and create
antecendend to act
your mind flights ahead

Left brain: the Orchestra starts
it has a dirigent (frontal lobe)
with RULES (Noten)
written on text
that can be learned
again and again
till it is a HABITUS
It has acting components (brodman areals, basal ganglia..)
with fixed order A-B-C-..
serial thinking takes place: step-by-step
as a result a result results
you listen and
your mind follows

movement = rhythm